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Our story begins with a vision, a commitment, and a mission to craft the most delicious scroll in New Zealand.

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Our Scrolls

Inspired by the classic cinnamon roll, we explored countless recipes with months of experimentation until – BAM! – we realized that we had the sweetly made scroll perfection that would soon define us – Swirly.


Our scrolls redefine the classic cinnamon rolls with innovative sizes, flavours, and a distinct cream cheese frosting, complemented by unique syrups for a delightful twist. 

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We are a young immigrant family from Brazil eager to start a business in New Zealand, our second home. When we finally landed on the most magical combination of exceptional ingredients, we knew we recreated the perfect recipe. So, in December 2023, we transformed our hard-earned dream into a delicious reality by opening our first Swirly bakery from home in Auckland.


Working from home has always been a dream for us, especially because we now have a young baby to care for. Living the dream and creating the most delicious scroll is a perfect combination. 

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Swirly is just getting started, and we promise more delectable adventures ahead.

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We stick to the real deal, selecting only genuine ingredients and avoiding artificial substitutes. 


We guarantee that each treat is promptly delivered directly from the oven. This dedication ensures that you consistently experience our products at the peak of their freshness and flavour. 

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